Homoeopathic Treatment of COVID POSITIVE PATIENT with complex disease
— Dr. Sujit Chatterjee,
(D.H.M.S, H.D, F.C.A.H)
Compiled by,
Dr. Anupama Chauhan
(B.H.M.S, M.C.A.H)
As the world with the most advanced technology in 2020 struggles to come in terms with a lethal pandemic, it necessitates medical professionals to contribute in the well being of individuals exposed to COVID-19 with preventive as well as curative methods. Along with treatment it is essential to educate the masses preemptively about maintaining hygiene, immunity and using a simple face-covering protocols. Immunity plays a very vital role and following simple hygienic measures and guidelines given by the government can help contain the rapid spread of the virus .
Homeopathy has once again proved to be showing astonishing results when administered for curative purposes. Homeopathic remedies are also used for prophylactic purposes, they can also be given to immuno- compromised patients to boost there immunity so that if they encounter the virus there body can respond in a efficient way. As a Homeopathy it is our prime responsibility towards our patients and the society that we assure them not to fear or panic in the situation where either they or any one near them is exposed to virus. The main reason of panic being the complications that are developed due to COVID-19.
In the last few months I came across some case of COVID positive patients. Some were completely asymptotic, on the other hand some developed minor complaints and those with pre existing disease were the once to show aggravated symptoms and developed systemic complications. In times like this we should never forget the fundamentals of Homeopathy which has always been the reason for remarkable results in numerous cases over generations. When the exact, peculiar striking symptom are taken into consideration along with repertorisation we can ascertain promising results.
One of the most challenging cases I came across was of a colleague Homoeopath who is my student & his family of 3 people – they all were tested COVID Positive on 5TH JULY. Among them his mother was known of Hypertension, Diabetes mellitus type II, hypothyroidism. Other members had mild symptoms & his father was asymptotic but tested positive for COVID-19.
She developed breathing difficulty & cough. With the help of this article I would like to share my experience of managing the case along with its detailed proceeding for future reference of young Homeopath’s and colleague’s so that we can collectively fight against this crisis and establish a healthy environment.
Such are the times which should intrigue every scientific professional in the world, to show compassion and empathy towards the betterment of the community. In the words of my father, he always use to say become a needy Doctor, which has and will always keep me inspired in my practice.
Details of the Case:
Patient is a K/C/O Diabetes , Hypertension and Hypothyroidism*.
She developed cough and breathing difficulty. Her 1st swab came *Negative.*(her 2nd swab was positive)
Patients son consulted initially on 5th July at 11:30 pm and discussed the entire case on phone, Pulsatila 200 was prescribed.
Symptom- Lot of moaning were present with her ailments.
6th July to avoid any complications the whole family was shifted to government quarantine centre.
7th July:
Cough became worse, and Saturation from 94 went down to 90 in morning.
*Arsenic Alb 200 was advised every 2 hourly.
For lot of anguish and fear of death that she had developed as a result of death of a COVID patient in her ward and at the same time she was suggested to undergo CT Scan, along with it there was sever cough.
Totality of symptoms:
Mind-restlessness internal
Mind-fear death of
Gen - cold agg
Patients son briefed-
As mom was feeling dyspnea and i/v/o comorbidities, i had to shift Her to private hospital in Nashik, leaving me brother & father behind in quarantine centre.
Mom was all alone in hospital.I dropped her in hospital & I had to leave back to quarantine centre.
Arsenic alb 200 was continued on 7 & 8th July.
On 9th July-I took discharge from quarantine centre & went to Hospital and stayed with her.
I observed that ANGUISH after Arsenic had reduced much , Cough & hyperventilation had reduced to 50%,she was on *Nasal mask oxygen with 10-12 litr oxygen.*
9th July:
Symptoms were as follows:
RESP DIFF AGG Lying on sides, both.
AME,Lying on back
Dryness of mouth
Sore body pain < touch
> hard pressure
*Bryonia 200, every 3hourly was prescribed.
10th July:
Patient started deteriorating
*Cytokine storm* started & respiration became difficult.
Now she was on *high flow O2 mask with14-16 litre.*
Dry Cough in long paroxysm with constantly. Moaning during cough was present.
Palpitations during cough.
Dysponea had increased.
Mouth dryness.
Thermally hot.
Sore body pain <skin touch.
COUGH SITTING ERECT AMEL (ant-t, hyos, puls)
*Chest physician* suggested patient was deteriorating and needed to give *Injection Tocilizumab.*
She was started on*Antim ars 30 stat,* followed by Antim ars 200 after half hour & repeat Antim ars 200 after 30 min from 6pm to 8.30pm.
At 8.30pm, again the son called at 8 30 pm, and updated that toxicity & dullness in her eyes got 10% decreased.
Advised to continue Antim Ars 200 if cough worse & keep *Tuberculinum Avis 30* ready for use.
Patients son:
“I was desperately trying to get Tuberculinum avis 30 in nashik, but no one has it even in homeopathic pharmacy.
But Dr.Chatterjee sir assured me and Next day sent he personally it from Mumbai.
11th July:
-I received Tuberculinum Avis 30 at 6:30 pm in evening.By that time oxygen saturation had almost dropped to 78-80%.& mom was in hell distress with high flow O2.
Chest physician had advised to put her on *Bipap support.*
*But but but…..* at 7.15 pm something MAGICAL happened.I put 5 pills of Tuberculinum Avis 30 over tongue, and within half hour, by 7:45pm..saturation went up to *90%* from 78% without bipap support, she was just over mask oxygen at 16litr.
By 9.15 pm saturation went upto 96%. She was feeling better and was calm.”
12th July:
-Till now Tub Avis 30 was given 4 times in night as & when saturation used to go below 90%.
Till 9.30 pm saturation was 96 with 12 litre
Tuberculinum Avis 30 was given 2 times in whole day & Antim Ars 200 every 3 hourly.
13th July:
Patient was much better, saturation 95% with 10 litr O2.
Frequency of cough increased & cough started getting loose with rattling.
Thermally hot.
Mouth, throat dry.
Chest physician insisting on inj.tocilizumab but
Dr.chatterjee sir was confident that we will not use Ini Tocilizumab.
Prescribed *Bryonia 1M, 3 hourly * on 8.30pm.
Cough increased <as soon as lying down on bed.
>sitting up
12th July:
12:30pm saturation went down to 90—gave Tub avis 30.
She set in diarrhoea with lot of weakness in night
Arsenic Album 200, 3 hourly was given.
7pm…diarrhoea is better but
Cough worsened, lot of anguish n restless.
Not able to sleep or sit even.
Pain in pectoral muscles due to constant coughing.
Little amount of sputum started coming out which is white viscid frothy with rattling.
< cough on lying down as soon as.
*Antim ars 1M, every3 hourly* Repeated.
15th July:
Patient was much better,
Nasal mask has removed & nasal probe is tried on 4-6 liters. With saturation on 93-94%.
No dyspnoea. She could sleep after Antim Ars 1M.
Can see freshness & liveliness in her eyes
No dullness, prostration.
No diarrhoea
Only problem is cough which is bit less than yesterday.
But as soon as she use to lye down cough agg.
Rx. *Drosera 200* for cough every 2 hourly.
16th July:
Better generally.
Continued. Drosera 200, every 3 hourly.
17th July:
Developed chills with fever developed thrombophlebitis with lot of ecchymosis because of lot of punctures of intracath.
But saturation was 97% with nasal O2 at 4 litr only.
Much calmed.
Rx- Arnica 200, every 3 hourly
18th July:
Much better *shifted to special room* from icu
No oxygen support now yet saturation is 93-94%.
Cough lying down 60% better.
Rx *Drosera 200, three times a day.
19th July:
CRP done which reduced to 11 from 44, as compared to 7th july.
Saturation was 95%
All things better.
Cough on lying down still present.
Rx, *Drosera 200* continued for 2 days more.
21st July:
Happily discharge in hemodynamically sable condition.
Post discharge brief given by son:
“Sir himself made an arrangement to talk with mom & to understand remaining possibilities of indicated medicine.
This time it was dr. Anupama who came forth & talked with mom on call in the morning to ascertain the details of case.”
Presenting symptoms:
Developed a lot of fear and anxiety about her health, due experience during her stay at the hospital.
Palpitations along with coughing.
Dreams of dead relatives
Calcarea -ars 200 2doses was given.
26th July:
60% of drop in post viral fatigue in mom, strength came up.
Her voice got strength which she was unable to exercise inspite of efforts.
Cough on talking absolutely vanished.
Important points about Tuberculinum Avis:
- Know to be effective when the oxygen saturation is low.
- Can be used as prophylactic (Clinical experience)
Reference for Tuberculinum Avis-
Remarks from Patients son who is a Homeopath:
I would like to share my *Personal experience* about Power of Homeopathic Medicine in COVID 19.
When evil hits.. It hits badly, but if you have righteous homeopath(dr. Sujit Chatterjee - my guru, my idle) with you, one can snatch out patient from mouth of death.
I would like to Thank *Respected Dr.Chatterjee Sir,* not only for consulting and treating my mother with his huge knowledge of homoeopathy but also to constantly giving moral support to me and my family members. I thank *Dr.Urvi* for making Tuberculinum Avis available. Also Dr. Anupama who came forth & talked with mom on call in the morning to ascertain the details of case and had already made difference by tracing out exact characteristics of case, which is absolute skill of a Homoeopath and soul heartedly delivered her higher purpose of existence viz to help mankind/patient.
I thank physicians and hospital team for their Management.
Homeopathy is truly A brilliant science, I have seen so many wonders happening from Homoeopathy with Dr.Chatterjee sir when I was learning from him as a student in Mumbai & also after that while practicing in my own set up. So I claim righteous that Homeopathy should be used in managing COVID patients without hesitation... It cures.